Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Fishing Trip

Monday, August 27th- Saturday, Sept. 1st

While my mom and were I back home decorating the boys went on the trip of all trips. They went up to Wind Rivers Wyoming to go fishing. It was a week of manliness. They rode in on horses set up camp and fished everyday. They enjoyed beautiful scenery and caught lots of fish. Jon caught more in one day then he ever has. I think they were both happy to get back to civilization and their wives :). There were great stories that went along with this trip, you'll just have to ask them in person.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what stories they have in store for the listeners. :D Great pics! They sure looked like cowboys to me. Fishing is certainly an excellent way to bond and a great activity to spend with the family.

    Melanie Daryl
