Sunday, June 26, 2011

Kristen's Bridal Shower

Kristen Ogden is soon to be Kristen Orgill!

On Saturday, Kristen's sister and I threw her a bridal shower. It was great to honor such a lovely lady. Friends and family gathered, played games, ate yummy food and gave great gifts. It was a very fun afternoon and the pictures will tell the story.

Drawing Kristen in her wedding dress... on top of our heads.

Toilet Paper BridesOnly 6 pieces of gum in her mouth

Her new In-Laws, such a great group

Congrats Kristen, can't wait for you to be an Orgill!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Tribute to Wonderful Fathers

My Dad: Steve Stansbury
Jon's Dad: Craig Orgill

Austin's Dad (my nephew): Chris Holtzee
Although this isn't the best picture, it shoes how much Chris loves Austie, his little buddy and how much Austie loves his daddy.
Lincoln, Paige & Kloe's Dad (my nephew & neices): Matt Russell
Not the clearest picture of Matt either but it shoes how much he loves his little girl.

I'm very grateful to both my dad and Craig for giving Jon and I such good examples to live by and making our childhoods so memorable.

I'm also very grateful for Chris and Matt who are such good dad's to my sweet neices and nephews.

I hope you guys all had a great Father's Day!

Jon's First Father's Day

Although he has yet to put his skills into action, Jon is a daddy and is very excited to meet our bundle of joy. I can't wait to see him hold our son for the first time, it makes me well up just thinking about it. It is so fun just thinking about being parents together and knowing that we will raise our children together. I'm so thankful for him, for his love for me and for the Lord and for our baby boy in womb.

Happy First Father's Day Honey.

There's a little tag on the chest that says, "Dad's Best Friend"
Aspen is much cuter in real life than in pictures,
she seems to be scared of the camera these days.
Isn't he a cutie!

Week 21, 4 days

This is how I look...
This is how I feel.

Pregnant Moments:

One day this week I thought, "Wow, I've been pregnant for 5 months,
it's gone by so fast."

The very next day I thought, "I can't believe I'm going to be pregnant for FOUR more months."

On Monday, I stopped by the Macey's in Spanish Fork for a few things for dinner. They have a Gluten Free Bakery section that is really good. The cinnamon rolls looked particularly good and I couldn't resist them. Then when I was standing in the check out isle I saw a soda that also seemed irresistible. By the time I got home, which is less than a 20 minute commute, two cinnamon rolls and all of the soda were gone. And you know what? It felt so good.

I was trying to figure out what to wear on Saturday and none of my shorts or jeans or skirts were fitting. I left the house frustrated, in shorts that felt too tight. During my errands, I went to Target and bought my first maternity capris and a skirt and they were so much more comfortable then what I was wearing. It's the beginning of the expando belly(if that's what they call that crazy stretchy band at the top of maternity bottoms).

Went to a Zumba class at the gym and loved it.
Only had to leave the class two times to go the bathroom. Awesome.

Those are my stories for the week.

Introducing Baby O to the Rodeo & Other Fun Things

Since Baby O is going to have a Cowboy themed nursery, we thought going to the Pleasant Grove Strawberry Days Rodeo would be a great introduction to the Wild West. Oh how I LOVE Rodeos!! I feel like it brings me back to my roots and my childhood love of horses. I hope one day we can have some horses of our own.

We met Nate and Kristen there, who are less than 2 weeks of getting married! The weather was crazy that night, a minor wind storm hit on the drive up and then it got pretty cold, awesome weather for mid June. What happened to the season of summer? I had on a long sleeve shift, wool sweater, jacket and I was still a little chilly. Don't you love Jon and Nate's 'get ups'. I love my cowboy! We enjoyed all of the events and the famous strawberries and cream that they sell, such sweet goodness in a cup. Unfortunately, I chose to go the bathroom before Barrel Racing, my favorite event, and missed most of it. I frequently have to go to the bathroom these days, pretty sure baby thinks it's funny to use my bladder as a trampoline. Not so funny baby.

Then on Friday night, Lindsey and Stew brought little Hattie over for a BBQ. It was Aspen's first meeting with a real baby. She was very interested in this little creature that made funny noises. She got very excited and wanted to be where ever Hattie was. How I let Linds leave without getting a picture, I know not. She is such a cute mommy. We loved hearing their stories about Hattie's first 6 weeks of life and the warnings about how our life will change:).
Hattie even gave me a smile before she left, it made my night.

Monday, June 13, 2011

It's a Boy!!

On June 8th, we found out Baby Orgill is a Boy!!
I was very excited to find out what we are having and that baby seems to be very healthy!! I seriously would have been shocked if it were a girl, I was very convinced since about Easter time that baby was a boy. It makes it feel so much more real now and I can't wait to meet this little guy. Jon of course was elated! The first things he thought of were camping and hiking and T-Ball.
So cute, huh?

I sent Jon a text that day and said if it was a boy he could choose where to go for dinner and if it was a girl I could choose. To be honest, I knew where he would choose and I was very happy with it. Jon won and we went to our FAVORITE... 5 Guys!
It was a win win situation.

Week 20 & 6 days
(I know, pictures are taken later and later in the week. We'll get better... I hope.)

I feel like when I look in the mirror I feel very pregnant, but in pictures, I think, Oh, I'm not as big as I thought. Jon took these pictures on Sunday after we went to a good friend's baby blessing. I can't wait for Sawyer (the baby that was blessed) and our little man to be best buds.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week 19

Week 19, 5 days

A few very funny and tender things happened this week,
but I've got to get to bed so I'll post them later.

We go for our Ultrasound on Wednesday, I'm soooooo excited!!!